FRIMER s.r.o., Lázeňská 1445, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí, tel./fax.: +420 465 521 263; e-mail:

Company profile

Our company Lori toys – FRIMER Ltd. was founded in 1997. We occupy with pressing of plastic materials, especially production of plastic toys in two series – Lori brick boxes and Lori sand-games. Both series have been continuously innovated.

During ten years, our company has built up a strong position at the Czech market. We closely cooperate with wholesale and retail trade distributors.


What do we offer?


Our aim

A satisfied business partner distributing well-sold products is self-evidence for us.

Our aim is a satisfied customer seeking our products at the market repeatedly. This is achieved with a wide assortment, quality, regular innovation, and low prices of our products.


The Lori website in a new design !!!

Sale campaign for our partners – Soft-tennis – special prices

Kindergartens and youth centres – use the favourable prices of large brick boxes packages

Presentation of our products at the International Toy Fair in Nürnberg